Jumat, 15 April 2011

Tugas 3 - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Lis Setiawati

Contoh Kalimat pada Noun Clause

1. Introduction

Noun Clause sebagai Objek :
(a) He heard you story
(b) He said something

Noun Clause sebagai Subjek :
(a) His story was enjoying
(b) What he said was enjoying

2. Question Word

Question :
(a) Where does he live?
(b) What did she say?
(c) When do they arrive?

Noun Clauses :
(a) I know where he live
(b) I couldn’t hear what she said
(c) Do you know when they arrive?

3. Using Whether or If

Is Anna at home?

(a) I don’t know if Anna is at home
(b) I don’t know if Anna is at home or not
(c) I don’t know whether or not Anna is at home

4. Using That

(a) I am amazed that we made it to the Bus station on time.
(b) You are lucky that won the lottery.
(c) It is a fact that Mr. Andrew is a good teacher.

5. Using Infinitives

(a) No one could tell me how to start the engine
(b) The rules didn’t specify who to talk to in case of an emergency
(c) I didn’t know to write my home paper about

6. Using The Subjunctive

(a) It is important that he do her homework
(b) It is absolutely necessary that arrive on time
(c) It is important that you not be late.

7. Using –Ever Word

(a) The students may dress however they please
(b) The student may dress in any way that they please
(c) He can go wherever he wants to go
(d) He can go anyplace that he wants to go
(e) You may leave whenever you want
(f) You may leave at anytime that you want

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